Yesterday, July 26 began the activities of the International Political Sociology Winter School. Throughout the day, students attended the courses taught by Professor Rob Walker - on the subject International Relations and the challenge of interdisciplinary, discussing sociology, politics and international as contested objects; Professor Rita Abrahamsen, discussing the theme "Africa and the International"; and Professor Michael Shapiro discussing "the forces that set people in motion across land and borders and the precarities they face in the process of moving”.
We remind you that our first public event – Roundtable “Structuralism and after: IPS and the Critique of Limits” – will be held on June 29th, from 4:15 p.m. to 6:00p.m., at RDC Auditorium (PUC-Rio).
Thematic Course 1: Security, Development and Democracy with Professor Rita Abrahamsen |
Thematic Course 1: Security, Development and Democracy with Professor Rita Abrahamsen |
Thematic Course 2: Contingent Flows: Precarious Lives with Professor Michael Shapiro |
Thematic Course 2: Contingent Flows: Precarious Lives with Professor Michael Shapiro |
General Course 1: Critical Theories and IPS with Professor R. B. J. Walker |
General Course 1: Critical Theories and IPS with Professor R. B. J. Walker |
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